Partner Sign Up

Logo Authorization
Company Information
Social Media (Optional)
Term of Authorization

Retail Backbone is a registered trademark of Page Consulting Services, Inc (PCS). As a Retail Backbone integration partner, PCS will be displaying your company logo on the Retail Backbone website. PCS requests that you provide a web quality version of your company logo for this purpose. The web quality image should be 375x125 pixels and in the form of a gif or jpg. Also, please provide the URL that you would like PCS to link to when users click your logo. Please be aware that by providing your logo to Retail Backbone, you are authorizing the following:

  • Publishing your company logo on the Retail Backbone website
  • Resizing the logo using the original proportions
  • Linking to your website from the logo

Retail Backbone will not:

  • Publish the company logo on any website that is not related to Retail Backbone
  • Stretch or condense the logo
  • Change or replace the colors of the logo
  • Publish the logo if it looks too pixilated or unclear